The Power of Balance

” We’re flawed because we want so much more. We’re ruined because we get these things and    wish for what we had.”

-Don Draper

If you carefully observe  the earth, heavens and the surroundings in which you live in , you will immediately realize that everything around you is in order and is functioning according to a pre-determined natural order. What may seem chaotic in the beginning may actually be part of a more balanced grand scheme.

Almighty Allah has created everything on earth in opposite pairs so that balance can be maintained . Male-female, day and night, life and death. We may think they are different things but in reality they are all the two sides of the same coin since the existence of one gives value to the existence of the other. We value life and cling on to it because of death. How can you realize the value of light if you haven’t experienced darkness?

There are many things which are good for human beings but if used in excessive manner they all become harmful to us. For instance, when thirsty one must drink water .There is only that much amount of water you need to drink in order to quench your thirsty. If you exceed that level then you know that it will feel weird in your stomach and it is likely that you will throw up as a result. Similarly, death is part of life. If everything was immortal then earth would have been overpopulated and natural resources overburdened and finally drained therefore there has to be death in order to maintain the balance, avoid chaos & destruction and continue the cycle of life.

Every religion understands and appreciates the value of balance. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: “But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters.” Surat Al-Qasas{28:77}

In this Ayat you can clearly see the balance that Allah is talking about. He is saying that we should worship him and do good deeds in order to deserve heaven in the hereafter which is the eternal home yet we should never forget about our share in this world since we are his vicegerents on earth and have a responsibility. yet, I always encounter many people who strongly believe that this world is not for them and is a world that is made for the unbelievers.

In order to protect the balance of power Allah has ensured that there will be no one supreme power on earth since it will lead to tyranny, oppression and injustice on earth. Through out history there hasn’t been one single supreme power!. When the Roman Empire was at it’s peak there was the Persian Empire which challenged their authority. Today the U.S is the undisputed Hyperpower in the world but it’s power is not limitless as there are other powerful nations such as China and Russia who limit its movements.

Balance is an integral part of nature but it is one of the most challenging things to achieve. A wise man who was a taxi driver once said to me that” human beings are never truly happy with any state of their lives “.I believe his expression was a true reflection of the moods of our times. Everyone wants more than they already have. We are advised to never be soft but instead be kind. What defines us as human beings is our ability to express our emotions yet being very emotional clouds our judgments and perspective on things. We are also encouraged to be generous but never be frugal. The list is unending but one thing is clear from these statements.

It is obvious now that the key to solving all the above paradoxes is ‘balance’. I think the reason we are facing so many challenges these days is because we have lost our perspective on the power of balance. We should all embrace the spirit in the power of balance. We should all strive to achieve balance in our thoughts and actions because a balanced life is life well lived.

When you Lose your way go back to the beginning to find your path

Τoday when I look my surroundings and try to understand the general feelings and perceptions of the people specially the young generations and elders, it is sad to say that all I see is desperation and confusion and I ask my self why? There is no one single answer to this but I am going to try to come up with answers which are based on my personal observations and experience .

Since childhood we were brought up to be good human beings, honest, truthful, cooperative and hardworking. We believe that  Islam is the one true religion and the only way of life and we have to be very grateful and lucky to  be born Muslims.

The harsh reality today is that our generation is lost and live in a state of limbo. We are like a boat  in the ocean that is caught by sudden storm and just floating direction-less.  Today the west is dominating  in every aspect of life and their   civilization is spreading like a wild fire. Our teenagers wear jeans, and T-shirts. We dine from their  top class restaurants and cafes. We listen to their music and watch Hollywood movies. Not that I am saying anything is wrong with that, because as the saying goes if you go against the current then the waves will push you back.  Politically the west is also calling the shots, America is the sole superpower in the world today. Financially the west controls the world bank and IMF. In a nutshell the west is playing the music and we are dancing to their tunes. Why this change of fortune and when will the tides change?

Contrary to some mistaken believes, the problem doesn’t not lay in Islam. Instead the problem lies with in us. We deviated from the right path, the just path and the road to salvation. Allah says in the Quran: ” Truly, Allah doesn’t change the (good) condition of people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves”.(13:11)

The above ayah truly explains the condition we are in today. God is just. When God created the earth he put all the things that we needed in it  and people were scattered all over the place and  were all equal. If this is the case why did some nations rose and others crumbled and  ended up in the wrong side of history? What made the status of one nation to rise than the other was not that they were the chosen ones, rather  it was their sheer determination and will power to take their fate and destiny into their hands, how they came together and decided to use their resources and brain-power in an efficient and effective manner. They realized  that fairness, equality, justice ,security , law and order were the corner stones that will lead them to success and prosperity.

What we are lacking today is a government that is for the people, of the people and by the people. A government that knows that they are there for the people and  that is accountable to its citizens.We are lacking  an environment that welcomes change, that is tolerant to differing opinions. W are lacking an environment that nourishes independent thinking and finally an environment that encourages and promotes positive thinking. In conclusion if we want to get to the right path we have to take the following steps.

  • Be God-fearing citizens
  • Establish a transparent and accountable system.
  • Ensure the rights of the people .
  • Establish law and order
  • Allocate resources of the nation responsibly and equally.
  • Protect the freedom, liberty and justice of the people.
  • Put more emphasis on health and education